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Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia
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Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia merupakan jurnal resmi yang dipublikasikan oleh Sekolah Farmasi Institut Teknologi Bandung. Jurnal ini mencakup seluruh aspek ilmu farmasi sebagai berikut (namun tidak terbatas pada): farmasetika, kimia farmasi, biologi farmasi, bioteknologi farmasi, serta farmakologi dan farmasi klinik. Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia is the official journal published by School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung. The journal covers all aspects of pharmaceutical issues which includes these following topics (but not limited to): pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, biological pharmacy, pharmaceutical biotechnology, pharmacology and clinical pharmacy.
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Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol. 42 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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ABSTRAKEmulsi minyak hati ikan kod dipercaya membantu mencegah pembentukan asam urat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji aktivitas antihiperurisemia secara in vivo dan mengembangkan metode antihiperurisemia secara in vitro emulsi minyak hati ikan kod. Metode in vivo dilakukan menggunakan mencit Swiss Webster jantan yang diinduksi makanan tinggi purin 100 mg/kg BB suspensi hati ayam, bersama pemberian sediaan pembanding atau sediaan uji selama 20 hari. Kelompok kontrol sakit menerima induksi. Kelompok pembanding alopurinol menerima induksi dan 26 mg/kg BB alopurinol. Kelompok pembanding vitamin A menerima induksi dan 650 IU/kg BB vitamin A. Kelompok uji dosis rendah, sedang, dan tinggi menerima induksi dan 150 mg/kg BB, 300 mg/kg BB, dan 450 mg/kg BB emulsi minyak hati ikan kod. Efek antihiperurisemia terbesar ditunjukkan dosis 150 mg/kg BB dengan penurunan kadar asam urat sebesar 57,04% dibanding kelompok kontrol sakit. Hasil percobaan in vivo menunjukkan emulsi minyak hati ikan kod yang diberikan bersamaan induksi makanan tinggi purin memiliki efek antihiperurisemia. Metode in vitro dilakukan menggunakan asam urat dan basa purin murni yang ditambahkan homogenat hati tikus sebagai sumber enzim xantin oksidase. Hasil percobaan in vitro menunjukkan emulsi minyak hati ikan kod menguraikan asam urat dalam 0,525 mL medium campuran 0,075 mg asam urat dan 0,011 mL emulsi minyak hati ikan kod; emulsi minyak hati ikan kod mencegah pembentukan asam urat dari purin dalam 0,725 mL medium campuran 0,200 mg purin, 0,066 gram homogenat hati, dan 0,016 mL emulsi minyak hati ikan kod.Kata kunci : antihiperurisemia, emulsi minyak hati ikan kod, asam urat, purin. ABSTRACTCod liver oil emulsion is believed of being able to prevent uric acid accumulation. This research was held to examine antihyperuricemic activity with in vivo and develop antihyperuricemic method with in vitro of cod liver oil emulsion. In vivo method was accomplished using Swiss Webster male mice inducted with high purine meal 100 mg/kg BW chicken liver suspense, together with drugs or cod liver oil emulsion through 20 days. Control group consumed high purine meal. Allopurinol group consumed high purin meal and 26 mg/kg BW of allopurinol. Vitamin A group consumed high purine meal and 650 IU/kg BW of vitamin A. Low dose, medium dose, and high dose group consumed high purine meal and 150 mg/kg BW, 300 mg/kg BW, and 450 mg/kg BW of cod liver oil emulsion. Strongest antihyperuricemic capability was shown by dose of 150 mg/kg BW with 57,04% degradation of uric acid compared to control group. In vivo showed that cod liver oil emulsion given together with high purine meal had antihyperuricemic effect. In vitro method was accomplished using pure uric acid and purine base with rat liver homogenate as xanthine oxidase enzyme source added. In vitro showed cod liver oil emulsion degraded uric acid in 0,525 mL medium mixture of 0,075 mg of uric acid and 0,011 mL cod liver oil emulsion; cod liver oil emulsion prevented uric acid establishment from purine in 0,725 mL medium mixture of 0,200 mg of purin, 0,066 gram of liver homogenate, and 0,016 mL of cod liver oil emulsion. Keywords : antihyperuricemic, cod liver oil emulsion, uric acid, purine.
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol. 42 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Daun jambu air (Syzygium aqueum) dan kulit buah delima (Punica granatum) merupakan tanaman yang pada umumnya terdapat di Indonesia. Kandungan flavonoid pada daun jambu air dan kulit buah delima diketahui memiliki efek antioksidan yang baik untuk tubuh sehingga tanaman ini banyak digunakan untuk pengobatan dan pencegahan beberapa penyakit. Secara tradisional daun jambu air dan kulit buah delima biasa digunakan sebagai antimikroba, antidiabetes, dan pengobatan diare. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan toksisitas ekstrak dan fraksi dari daun jambu air dan kulit buah delima secara in vitro terhadap sel Vero. Serbuk simplisia daun jambu air diekstraksi bertingkat dengan metode maserasi, sedangkan serbuk simplisia kulit buah delima diekstraksi bertingkat menggunakan metode refluks. Keduanya diekstraksi bertingkat dengan pelarut n-heksana, etil asetat, dan etanol. Ekstrak dipantau menggunakan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT). Ekstrak etanol dari daun jambu air dan kulit buah delima difraksinasi dengan metode ekstraksi cair-cair (ECC) menggunakan pelarut n-heksan dan etil asetat. Fraksi dipantau menggunakan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT). Ekstrak dan fraksi diuji toksisitasnya secara in vitro terhadap sel Vero menggunakan reagen alamar blue. Ekstrak dan fraksi daun jambu air dan kulit buah delima pada konsentrasi uji antara 2 µg/ml sampai dengan 1024 µg/ml bersifat tidak toksik terhadap sel Vero. Berdasarkan penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak n-heksana, etil asetat, dan etanol tidak toksik terhadap sel Vero. Fraksi n-heksana, etil asetat, dan air dari tidak toksik terhadap sel Vero.  Kata kunci: Alamar blue, ekstrak, fraksi, Punica granatum, sel Vero, Syzygium aqueum. Syzygium aqueum and Punica granatum are plants commonly found in Indonesia. Flavonoids from Syzygium aqueum leaves and Punica granatum peels are known to have antioxidant effect for the human body. Because of that these plants widely used for treatment several diseases. Traditionally, Syzygium aqueum leaves and Punica granatum peels are commonly used as antibiotic, antidiabetic, and treatment for diarrhea. This study aim to determine in vitro toxicity effect of Syzygium aqueum and Punica granatum extracts and fractions using Vero cell lines. Crude drug of Syzygium aqueum was extracted by maceration, while crude drug of Punica granatum was extracted by reflux. Both crude drugs were extracted using continuous extraction method and solvents with increasing polarity which were n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and ethanol. Extracts were monitored by thin layer chromatography (TLC). The ethanol extract from Syzygium aqueum and Punica granatum were fractionated by liquid-liquid extraction using n-hexane, and ethyl acetate as solvents. Fractions were monitored by thin layer chromatography (TLC). Toxicity effect of Syzygium aqueum and Punica granatum extracts and fractions on Vero cells were evaluated using Alamar blue. Extracts and fractions of Syzygium aqueum leaves and Punica granatum had no toxicity effect against Vero cell at concentrations between 2 µg/ml-1024 µg/ml. Based on our findings all of extracts and fractions had no toxicity effect against Vero cell lines.Keyword: Alamar blue, extract, fraction, Punica granatum, Syzygium aqueum, Vero cell.
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol. 42 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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WHO estimated that >50% of medicines are used inappropriately. One that posess highest risk due to inappropriate use is beta-lactam antibiotic, espescially in pediatric patient since the organ function in pediatric patient has not fully developed as in adult yet. This cross-sectional study was performed to identify drug-related problems (DRPs) occurred during beta-lactam therapy in pediatric hospitalized in a secondary-care hospital in Cimahi. A predetermined medication-use criteria based on the current literatures was created as an assessment standard tools. Furthermore, identification of DRPs based on PCNE v6.2 classification was carried out concurrently (January-March 2015) to 351 patients. As many as 458 DRPs were found including 22 cases inappropriate drugs (category C1.1), 127 cases no indication for drug (C1.2), 42 cases inappropriate combination of drugs, or drugs and food (C1.4), 1 case of too many drugs prescibed for indication (C1.6), 137 cases drug dose too low (C3.1), 89 cases drug dose too high (C3.2), 39 cases duration of treatment too short (C4.1), and 1 case of duration of treatment too long (C4.2). The potential DRPs was estimated to be occured for approximately 1-2 DRPs per patient.Keywords: drug-related problems; beta-lactam antibiotic; pediatric; pharmaceutical care
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol. 42 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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ABSTRAKEfek antihipertensi binahong pada model hewan hipertensi yang diinduksi dengan adrenalin dan deksametason telah dibuktikan pada penelitian sebelumnya. Pada penelitian ini, dikaji mekanisme kerja lebih lanjut dari efek antihipertensi ekstrak etanol daun binahong dan fraksinya. Pengujian secara ex vivo dilakukan dengan menggunakan aorta kelinci yang diinduksi dengan norepinefrin, metilen biru- norepinefrin, dan kalium klorida. Efek pemberian ekstrak etanol daun binahong (EEDB), fraksi n-heksana (FH), fraksi etil asetat (FE), dan fraksi air (FA) diamati pada kimograf lalu dihitung persen relaksasi dan waktu relaksasi. Pengujian secara in vitro dilakukan dengan menggunakan Hip-His-Leu sebagai substrat dan mengukur produk yang terbentuk secara spektrofotometri UV-sinar tampak pada panjang gelombang 228 nm. Dari data absorbansi, dihitung persen inhibisi angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) dan ditentukan nilai IC50. Pada kontraksi yang diinduksi norepinefrin, EEDB, FH, FE, dan FA menunjukkan persen relaksasi berturut-turut sebesar 60,9; 39,2; 48,2; dan 52,5%. Waktu relaksasi pada semua kelompok uji menurun secara signifikan terhadap kelompok yang diinduksi norepinefrin (p<0,05). Pada kontraksi yang diinduksi norepinefrin dengan pretreatmen metilen biru, persen relaksasi yang terjadi akibat pemberian EEDB, FH, FE, dan FA berturut-turut sebesar 21,4; 30,7; 21,6; dan 23,8% serta tidak terjadi penurunan waktu relaksasi. Pada kontraksi yang diinduksi KCl, persen relaksasi yang terjadi akibat pemberian EEDB, FH, FE, dan FA berturut-turut sebesar 42,2; 20,4; 49,1; dan 35,8%, akan tetapi tidak terjadi penurunan waktu relaksasi. Nilai IC50 pada pemberian EEDB, FH, FE, dan FA berturut-turut sebesar 22,63; 242,60; 115,77; dan 97,53 μg/mL. Ekstrak etanol daun binahong memiliki efek vasodilatasi melalui jalur NO, inhibisi kanal kalsium (lemah), dan inhibisi ACE (sedang). Fraksi n-heksana tidak menunjukkan efek inhibisi kanal kalsium dan inhibisi ACE, tetapi menunjukkan efek vasodilatasi melalui jalur NO. Fraksi etil asetat menunjukkan efek vasodilatasi melalui jalur NO, inhibisi kanal kalsium (lemah), serta inhibisi ACE (lemah). Fraksi air menunjukkan efek vasodilatasi melalui jalur NO serta inhibisi ACE (lemah), tetapi tidak menunjukkan efek inhibisi kanal kalsium.Kata kunci: Anredera cordifolia, binahong, vasodilatasi, nitrit oksida, inhibisi kanal kalsium, inhibisi angiotensin converting enzymeVASODILATATION AND ANGIOTENSIN CONVERTING ENZYME INHIBITION EFFECT OF ETHANOL EXTRACT AND FRACTION FROM MADEIRA VINE (ANREDERA CORDIFOLIA (TEN). V. STEENIS) LEAFABSTRACTThe antihypertensive effects of Anredera cordifolia (madeira vine) on adrenaline-induced and dexamethasone-induced hypertensive rat have been demonstrated in previous studies. In this study, mechanism of antihypertensive effect of ethanol extract of madeira vine leaves and its fraction studied further. Ex vivo experiment was performed using rabbit aortic rings induced with norepinephrine, methylene blue-norepinephrine, and potassium chloride. The respond of aortic rings to ethanol extract of madeira vine (EEMV), n-hexane fraction (HF), ethyl acetate fraction (EF), and water fraction (WF) were observed in the kymograph, then percentage of relaxation and relaxation time were calculated from the graph obtained. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor activity test was performed in vitro using Hip-His-Leu as the substrate. The product of enzymatic reaction measured using UV-visible spectrophotometry at wavelength 228 nm. From the absorbance data, percentage of enzyme inhibition was calculated and IC50 value was determined. In norepinephrine-induced contraction, EEMV, HF, EF, and WF showed percentage of relaxation 60.9; 39.2; 48.2; and 52.5%, respectively. Relaxation time of all groups were significantly decrease compared to norepinephrine group (p<0.05). In norepinephrine-induced contraction with methylene blue pretreatment, the percent of relaxation were 21.4; 30.7; 21.6; and 23.8%, respectively for EEMV, HF, EF, and WF, and there was no reduction in relaxation time. In KCl-induced contraction, the percentage of relaxation of EEMV, HF, EF, and WF were 42.2; 20.4; 49.1; and 35.8%, respectively, but no reduction in relaxation time. IC50 of EEMV, HF, EF, and WF were 20.76, 198.13, 115.77, and 88.41 μg/mL, respectively. The ethanol extract of madeira vine leaves showed vasodilator effect through the endothelium-dependent pathway, inhibition of calcium channel (weak), and ACE inhibition (moderate). The n-hexane fraction showed no inhibitory effect of calcium channel and ACE, but showed vasodilation effect via endothelium-dependent pathway. Vasodilation effect of ethyl acetate fraction occurred through the endothelium-dependent pathway, inhibition of calcium channel (weak), and ACE inhibition (weak). The water fraction showed vasodilation effect through endothelium-dependent pathway and inhibition of ACE (weak), but did not show calcium channel inhibition effect.Keywords: Anredera cordifolia, madeira vine, vasodilatation, nitric oxide, calcium channel blocker, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol. 42 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Indonesia memiliki kelimpahan zeolit yang berpotensi dapat dikembangkan  sebagai zeolit yang berderajat farmasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan zeolit olahan dengan karakteristik yang cocok sebagai bahan baku farmasi. Zeolit alam diproses dengan cara pencucian menggunakan masing-masing larutan HCl, aquabidest, dan EDTA lalu diikuti dengan pemanasan pada 350 °C. Sebelum dan sesudah pengolahan sampel zeolit dikarakterisasi menggunakan berbagai metode instrumental. Selanjutnya, zeolit olahan diuji kemampuannya untuk menjerap parasetamol dan timbal. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa komposisi sampel zeolit > 91% berjenis klinoptilolit dengan kandungan utama unsur Si, Al dan K. Setelah pencucian dengan larutan HCl 1 M, EDTA 0,1 M dan aquabidest, kadar As dalam masing-masing sampel zeolit 4,12 ± 0,75 ppm, < 0,1 ppm dan 11,8 ± 0,56 ppm dan kadar Pb untuk seluruh sampel < 1 ppm, sedangkan Cd dari semua sampel < 1 ppm. Tidak ada perubahan struktur dalam sampel zeolit yang teramati setelah proses pencucian dan pemanasan. Zeolit yang dicuci dengan larutan EDTA mampu menjerap Pb dalam cairan lambung buatan tanpa pepsin secara efektif dengan penurunan kadar hingga 89% namun tidak mampu menjerap parasetamol secara efektif. Disimpulkan bahwa hasil proses zeolit menunjukkan karakteristik yang cocok sebagai kandidat bahan baku farmasi. Zeolit yang diberi perlakuan dengan EDTA mampu menjerap Pb secara efektif sehingga berpeluang digunakan sebagai antidot lokal dalam kasus keracunan Pb akut.Kata kunci: zeolit, klinoptilolit, logam berat. CHARACTERIZATION AND PURIFICATION OF NATURAL LAMPUNG ZEOLITE AS A CANDIDATE OF ANTIDOTE OF LEAD INTOXICATIONABSTRACTIndonesia has the abundance potential of zeolites having possibility to be developed as pharmaceutical grade zeolites. This research aimed to obtain processed zeolite showing suitable characteristics as pharmaceutical ingredient. Natural zeolite was processed by means of washing using dilute HCl, aquabidest and EDTA solutions, respectively and subsequently followed by heating at 350 oC. Prior and after processing, the zeolite samples were characterized using various instrumental methods. Furthermore, the processed zeolite was tested for its ability to adsorb paracetamol and lead. The analysis results confirmed that the composition of zeolite samples were > 91% of clinoptilolite mainly composed of Si, Al and K. After washing with 1 M HCl, 0.1 M EDTA and aquabidest, the level of As in each of zeolite samples were 4.12 ± 0.75 ppm, < 0.1 ppm and 11.8 ± 0.56 ppm and those of Pb were all < 1 ppm, while those of Cd from all samples were < 1 ppm, respectively. No structural changes in zeolite samples were observed after washing and heating treatment. EDTA treated zeolite was able to adsorb Pb in artificial gastric fluid without pepsin effectively up to 89% reduction but failed to adsorb paracetamol effectively. It was concluded that processed natural zeolite was suitable as a pharmaceutical ingredient. EDTA-treated zeolite was able to adsorb Pb effectively and hence could be possibly applied as local antidote in the case of acute Pb intoxication.Keywords: zeolite, clinoptilolite, heavy metals.
Front Matter Vol 42 No 2 (2017) Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol. 42 No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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